--- layout: post title: "Manjaro PinePhone no sound after October 2023 update" date: 2023-10-11 21:31:12 +0100 --- After running a software upgrade yesterday (10 October 2023) with `sudo pacman -Syu`, my PinePhone ended up with no sound. See [this post on the Manjaro forum][0] for my fix. To summarize: - I downgraded everything by following the "Downgrading all upgraded packages" section in [this article][1] (parsing /var/log/pacman.log and restoring from /var/cache/pacman/pkg/), and uninstalled alsa-ucm-pinephone. I then re-upgraded and manually reinstalled alsa-ucm-pinephone, and it just magically worked. - I suspect an easier fix will be to just edit /usr/share/alsa/ucm2/conf.d/simple-card/PinePhone.conf and only keep `Syntax 2` and the `SectionUseCase."HiFi"` and `SectionUseCase."Voice Call"` sections, and remove everything else. [0]: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/arm-unstable-no-sound-with-pinephone-after-update/140727/19 [1]: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-rollback-pacman-updates-in-arch-linux