--- layout: post date: 2018-03-22 22:58:00 +0800 title: "Comments on 2018 HKDSE Chinese questions" --- > 16/3,第一題,5:00PM > > 有人認為智能電話使人成為孤島,也有人認為智能電話是孤島間的橋樑。試談談你的看法。 > >(考材附有一幅獨自坐在島上的插圖) (Source: ) It's interesting how people see "smartphones" as a thing which "connects" people. I prefer to call them "portable computers", which are able to communicate with each other iff a communication link is established. If I were to set the question, I would replace "smartphones" with "the advancement of telecommunication technologies and digital electronics". > 22/3,第二題,6:30PM > > 如果一天由24小時增加至27小時,增加三小時,你認為香港人生活會變得更好還是更壞?試談談你的看法。 (Source: ) 根據國際單位制(SI),"hour"(「小時」)及"day"(「日」或「天」)之定義均為秒的倍數,而秒則定義作銫133原子基態的兩個超精細能階間躍遷對應輻射的9,192,631,770個週期的持續時間,與地球自轉速度無關。惟人類及其他動植物的生活特性以日出日落之時間作基礎,故改變「天」之定義對人類生活絕無影響。人類只會再發明另一與地球自轉週期相約之單位,並於日常生活中改用該單位。