So I was searching for 大埔船灣堆填區, a landfill closed in 1997, and currently rebuilt as a golf course. For some strange reason Google decides to show me a map result of 新界東北堆填區 (in the wrong language, even!), despite the correct web search results… (Note: screenshot taken after whatever follows. The little map segment on the right originally showed Ta Kwu Ling.)
Screenshot from 2018-09-19 02-31-14.png

So I scrolled down that right sidebar and found a “Feedback” button. Clicking on it brings up an edit icon on each of the sidebar fields, plus a button “REPORT” for “Moved, closed or was never here”. Clicking on it brings another box…
Screenshot from 2018-09-19 02-31-43.png

None of the options fix perfectly, so I just went with the one that allowed me to add a correct address. Note how there is literally NO input fields that would allow me to comment on what’s wrong. I did notice an image input though, so, under the naive assumption that a Google employee would look at the image, I uploaded this…

Guess what that did? I have successfully changed the address of 新界東北堆填區 to Tai Po. Right now, if you search for 新界東北堆填區 in Google Maps, it would show you a marker on Ting Kok Road.

If this doesn’t win the award for the worst UX of the year I don’t know what will.